Photo of The Day

Short stories about traveling to interesting places


Full of hope. Aswan, south Egypt

Today, I paid tribute to a visit to this Nubian village and to Nubian People in Egypt. Nubians are the people of northern Sudan and southern Egypt. The Nubians are believed to be the first human race on earth, and most of their customs and traditions were adopted by the ancient Egyptians. This girl and her family where forced to change their homes from their original village in south Egypt to a tiny island in the middle of the river Nile caused by the construction of the Aswan Dam. Today, this small island is pot of Nubian culture, where they rebuild all their traditions. This photo was taken in 24th June 1997, more than 10 years ago. I wonder where she is now.

2 comentários:

CPrice disse...

nice tribute, traveller :)

Lina Arroja (GJ) disse...

As suas fotografias são todas fabulosas, aprecio particularmente aquelas em que a sua lente capta "olho no olho" a alma de alguém.