Six months ago today, I had this blog idea and I posted my first photo on Tricky Traveler, which was about one of my favorite places: Formentera, in the Balearic Islands, in Spain. In my opinion, one of the best beaches in the word. From that date until now, a lot has happen: we have passed true 56 different photos, with the same amount of short stories, we visited 30 different countries in the several continents and, in the right side of the page, we also discover also 37 different patterns inspired from traveling. But early this morning when I was righting this text, I realize that the “6 month anniversary” is the wrong expression! In fact “6 month anniversary” is, in English, an oxymoron, because an anniversary is an annual event. [An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms]. I guess I really should have said my “one half” or “point six” anniversary. Right? It doesn’t make sense! Often, the best way to say something is not grammatically correct, or linguistically correct, or even technically correct. It’s the way that best facilitates understanding by the reader, and that usually means writing the way you speak (or talk, if you prefer). It is the game of evidences. Sometimes it is just not so evident, what it seams, it is not what it means, or what it means, is not what seams is. It happen the same with sunsets. A perfect clear sunny day do not always means a perfect sunset. But, by the contrary, usually in the summer, a lousy day can result in a perfect sunset. That was the case in this photo. I apologize to go back (again) to Formentera, but I had to display this beautiful sunset taken in the interior sea of the island last August. This is the perfect to celebrate the “6 month anniversary” of Tricky Traveler. I thanks to the 835 visitors and all friends who posted a comment.
4 comentários:
Happy aniversary and all the best to you. Hope to see you around for the next 6 months.
Merry Xmas, my friend <:)
Congratulations!!!! I'll be waiting for the next six... and six... and six...
Obrigado Grande Joia. Sou um ingrato! Bom ano novo!
Obrigado Embirrante. Também bom ano. Lloyd Cole na primeira página. Soa-me familiar. Será?
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