In pre-Hispanic Mexico, in the valley where Mexico City stands was a lake called Lago Texcoco, which now has long been drained. The Aztecs, on its edge, long before the Spanish came, dug a series of canals, whose mud they heaped on the earth around the canals or on anchored reeds atop the water. These plots of land, appeared like floating islands called chinampas - hence, their name ‘floating gardens’. In the Aztec's Náhuatl language the name Xochimilco means "garden of flowers." Xochimilco is divided into a traditional area and a newer ecological park north of town created in 1993 as part of a multi-million dollar "ecological rescue project" spearheaded by the federal government. Both areas offer excellent bird watching. The more touristy canals are lively, particularly on weekends. Brightly-colored, squarish boats (trajineras) carry up to a dozen passengers. Families visit the park en masse and boats carrying musicians serenade young lovers or for birthday celebrations. There are always plenty of vendors (in smaller canoes) with food and drink, souvenirs, and music. Hire a floating mariachi band. Three songs for 200 pesos!
2 comentários:
Lendo esta crónica fico a pensar no que poderíamos fazer em Portugal com o nosso património ecológico. Quem sabe? Um dia mais tarde, talvez?
O amigo ficou parado no tempo, ou será gaivotas em terra, temporal no mar?
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