Photo of The Day
Short stories about traveling to interesting places

I wake up at 3.45! I couldn’t understand why that song
was playing in my phone in the middle of the night. A sleepy voice next to
me said “is your phone". I realized then that it was time to wake
up. Today is the London shooting day for #project60. I was excited; after
all, I do love traveling. I just need a good reason and I had one. Is good to
go to a city where you already know your way. Less surprise factor, but
less risk factor too. You move faster and you know where to go. My destination,
however, was not the city, but Fenny Compton, a small village one hour north of
London by train, near Banbury. It will be my first time. The surprise
factor! Even knowing my way I couldn’t avoid spending good part of my
morning in different queues waiting for tickets: train to Vitoria station,
metro, and another train to Banbury. And there I was, sitting on the
train, curious to finally meet Mr Elbank in person after all the social media
interactions. I let Noiserv play in my iPod meanwhile I was looking over the
window to the green British landscape. I couldn’t avoid laughing with the
name of the song "this is maybe the place where trains are going to sleep
at night". What a name for a song! Mr
Elbank arrived just like I imagined him. I had this strange impression. Do I
know this guy already? In that moment I had the feeling that I did know
him since ever. Maybe my friend Jesus Villar has a point: reincarnation does
exist. A good start makes all the difference. We went to the village's Pub The
Merrie Lion for a snack, and, of course, for a beer, make it two; after all we
are in England. It is funny to get into people’s worlds so quickly. Brock
presents me to everybody in the pub. I was imagining what they may
think....Hum... another Brock’s beard guys. I think that at this point
they are used to it. The shooting was fun, Brock knows what he wants. That
makes things a lot easier. In a second I had all my things around the house,
transformed temporally at Elbank Village Studio, and more important, I felt at
home. We practice the new “Elbank look” over and over. It seems to work. A
big full day where we reached our goal, where we exchanged ideas and projects,
where we learned things from each other, where we became richer persons.
Brock was happy with the result. I was happy too, for me and for him. Sarah and
the kids arrived. Another dynamic start. The kids are lovely Elkie and Olive,
and the ice was broken easily with a simple tool. How to make elastic
bracelets? Sarah cooked a magnificent risotto, and I was invited for dinner.
The red wine and the Portuguese cheese from São Jorge Island came into the
table. What a wonderful time. The project 60 seemed to be just a detail
of the day. In the end it was all about people, experiences and relations. The
perfect ingredients to ensure that our journey (in life) is really worth it. I
give a big goodbye hug to Brock. I promise him that I will be back for the
exhibition. I took the train back to London. I felt that small knot in my
stomach. I know myself! I left something in Fenny Compton today. I definitely
brought something too from that amazing family. Thank you Mr Elbank.