Wadi Rum is a protected area covering 720 square kilometers of dramatic desert wilderness in the south of Jordan. In my opinion, the second biggest reason to go to Jordan. Huge mountains of sandstone and granite emerge, sheer-sided, from wide sandy valleys to reach heights of 1700 meters and more. Narrow canyons and fissures cut deep into the mountains and many conceal ancient rock drawings etched by the peoples of the desert over millennia. Bedouin tribes still live among the mountains of Rum and their large goat-hair tents are a special feature of the landscape. The notorious hospitality, make us feel comfortable and welcome. Virtually all the people living in and around Wadi Rum are of Bedouin origin and, until recently, led nomadic lives, relying on their goat herds. They belong to seven tribal groups, of which the three largest are the Zalabia tribe who make up the majority of people living in Rum Village, now, much more converted in a touristic bases for exploring the desert. Rum village is the only village inside the protected area; the Zalabia tribe is largely responsible for tourism services and operates many of the jeep and camel tours. These services are organized through the Rum Tourism Cooperative, a locally run society that shares the tourism business between the villagers. Even though most local Bedouin have become villagers, they still maintain goat herds for milk, meat and 'jameed', a type of yoghurt. For parts of the year, some families or family members return to a wandering existence with their flocks. Few, however, are able to continue a truly nomadic existence today and the traditional Bedouin lifestyle is fast disappearing. However some faces are still present for a warm welcome and a cup of herbal tea, flavored with mint, rosemary and cardamom seeds.